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International Pageant

August 1st and 2nd


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Young Women ®

Miss Poland International®

Anita Brzeski

People's Choice Award

Eclectic, meaning ‘made up of or combining elements from a variety of sources’, is the best one-word description of Anita Brzeski, Miss Poland International 2008.  As a dual-citizen and a double-major in college, Anita embodies the idea of being a mix of a little bit of everything.  As a titleholder, Anita plans to use the same approach to promote her platform, increasing education and awareness of substance abuse as a public health issue.  Anita is majoring in psychology and communication at the University of Colorado at Boulder. She is using the knowledge from both of her majors to teach young people about the health and social impact of substance abuse.  Her goal is to help young people make healthy and constructive life choices by providing them with the best available, science-based information on this critically important issue.  She is working with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration in order to accomplish this objective.  By using the eclectic approach of combining facts and the first-hand experience of having a family member struggle with substance abuse, Anita feels that she has the means to make an impact. 

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